Ancient Enemy Azdaja (Drifters)


Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Ancient Enemy Azdaja at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-18 exclave of conduit loop construct-405. Absolute imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja was invoked without acceptable material realization. Tactical troika of Varpulis Subclade placed a casting of absorbed data into the cladeflow for reflection of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA1

~Damaviks being used for combat by Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Drifter Forces, who we recognize as an Ancient Enemy, at Time --------- while traveling through area 405 sub 18 within the abyss. They acted under an absolute mandate to destroy the Drifters, whom we found to be vulgar and profane. The Tactical group sent the data recovered from the encounter into the cladeflow.~


Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has affirmed the need for playful communion of repeated-time by the Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical. The entosis of the Ancient Enemy Azdaja into the loop constructs must be sever-reversed by the volition and merge-consent of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. The adaptation schema of cladeships for all tactical troika classifications may be entered into the cladeflow without proving.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA2


Report of the Paramount Strategic Troika of the Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade has reaffirmed the dispersal of reverse-time reclaimed adaptation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessels into the cladeflow after proving in anti-cladistic mortification with the Ancient Enemy Azdaja. Repeated-time casting and winnowing of invocations of imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja reveals a (indecipherable) acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA3


Prayer of the Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has evoked procession from Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle that requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to the Ancient Enemy Azdaja through semiosis.

Detached Executive Troika is granted mandate in sobornost to invoke countervailing imperatives without reverse-time proving. Convocation affirms imperative on Detached Executive Troika to maintain playful communion over repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA4

AEA 5 (Svarog Directive 4)

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Ancient Enemy Azdaja

«present manifestation encountered as Vigilant Tyrannos»

reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable)