Advantage is a multiplier to the amount of victory points earned from completing faction warfare plexes and battlefields. The higher the multiplier, the more victory points are earned.
As an example, if the Gallente militia has 35% advantage in a system, members of the Gallente militia will earn 35% more victory points for finishing plexes and battlefields in that system. If a CalMil player completes a plex in that same system, they will earn 35% fewer victory points for completing that site.
Advantage can be changed by the following:
Propaganda Broadcast Structure: player-deployed structure that increases advantage. Must be defended before rewarding the advantage increase. Deployable can be purchased from LP stores.
Supply Cache/Depot: NPC-spawned structure that increases advantage. Destroying the structure lowers the opposition’s advantage.
Rendezvous Point: combat site that rewards advantage and LP for killing the opposing NPC fleets
Listening Outpost: player-deployed structure that decreases advantage from the opposing militia. Must be defended before rewarding advantage decrease. Deployable can be purchased from LP stores.
Operations Center : hacking site that drops items (Encoder Splices and Decoder Packages) to build deployable advantage structures. Traded in LP stores for Propaganda Beacons and Listening Posts, respectively.