
Raid on Khanid Slave Ship Fails to Free "Lost Idama"

A spokesperson for the Intaki extremists, who identify themselves as the Idama en Waro Repatriation Front, named for the purported Idama herself, reached out to the Scope with a statement concerning their actions:

"The complacent nature of society toward slavery has been a blight on humanity both hypocritical and malign in nature. The bondage of the masses goes against the basic tenets of free society. Those who enjoy these freedoms while calling those who fight for it extremists or terrorists allow people like the slaver Kufail to prosper. The massacres in Kahah forced our hand. We will not pause when our kinsmen and others are denied the right to freedom and murdered for demanding it. We will strike down those responsible and use them as an example."

The Royal Khanid Navy stated that any and all attacks by Intaki extremists will be dealt with as piracy and met with the "sternest possible measures".

BREAKING REPORT: Sources in Caldari State claim that Khanid Royal Commodore Arraz Nomarya has met with representatives of the Intara Direct Action and Onikanabo Brigade PMCs with a view to securing their services for "counter-terrorist operations".

Kahah Situation Escalates to Mass Violence in Space; Khanid Forces and CONCORD Respond

Commodore Nomarya issued a brief statement for the press:

"Royal Khanid Navy forces, operating in conjunction with the Expeditionary Kahah Pacification Force and Kahah III Territorial Militia, thwarted an illegal and incompetent incursion into the airspace of Kahah III. Our loyal militia provided anti-aircraft fire, supported by detachments of the 15th Naval Aerospace Defence Brigade. Their efforts eliminated the bulk of the threat from falling debris as rebel 'dropships' broke up in the atmosphere. The 9th Kahah III Territorial Squadron's AC-6L Simurgh fightercraft removed the remainder of the minor threats posed by the attempted incursion.

"Given the illegality of the attempt, under the provisions of the Yulai Convention, Accords and SCC Independent Planetary Management Act, the RKN Ironclad Faith led a taskforce to destroy the rebel freighter that operated as the launching platform for the incursion. We were successful, with the aid of loyal Amarr capsuleers, and withdrew in good order following completion of operations. The pacification of Kahah continues, under the exemplary command of Sardar Marshal Fayez, with only scattered rebel resistance on Kahah III remaining to deal with. "

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Expansion and Construction Edition

Khanid, Aridia and Molden Heath - News from the low-security fronts is mixed but overall reported to be stable. A serious Triglavian strike into the Khanid Kingdom's Seevadin constellation was successfuly repelled by the efforts of capsuleers and Royal Khanid Navy forces under the command of Royal Commodore Arraz Nomarya. "We are most grateful to loyalist and allied capsuleers for their contribution to the security of the Khanid Kingdom, particularly in the face of these demonic invaders from the abyss," said Commodore Nomarya from his Vezila system HQ.