



The Scope - Mass Capsule Hijack by Guristas Infiltrators at Jita 4-4




The Scope - Mass Defection and Dreadnought Advances

• Guristas Spy Ring Leader Esri Hakuzosu Still at Large as Hunt for Escaped Spies Winds Down in State Territory • Caldari Loyalist Capsuleers Reportedly Pass Intelligence on Location of Hakuzosu to State Special Forces



The Scope - Fight Against Smugglers and Growing Diplomatic Crisis


[URGENT] Investigation Report on Esri Hakuzosu

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-001

"?ide note: picked up some more chatter on ancillary projects other than Firebird. The general idea seems to be setting up even more decentralized design groups. State got fat and slow in the last decade but seems they're finally getting their heads out of their arses. This guy Saraki is no fool. We'd do well to keep a close ey?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-002

"?ntry to previous drop. Anyway, I also heard from the Peacock. He wants to meet again. That's the second time this week. I don't mind that he changes up the routine. It's good opsec but most of the time he just wants to bloody well gossip about side stuff. Mind you, this dirt on that SARO, guy, Ov?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-003

"?eard from one of the cell members based in the Amarr Trade Registry offices. Passed on some information about EDENCOM spending priorities during the invasion he'd dug up while sifting some secure archives. Crazy those Amarr. They document everything. Three times over. And then another agency does it all over again. I mean the information doesn't really surprise me. We all knew that EDENCOM is an Amarr pl?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-004

"?ade a new connect with a Serpentis subcontractor operating in 4-4 undercroft sector 97. I hate going down there. It's worse than the docks district. Worse even than the engineering subcore residences. It's pretty much a sump for everything filthy and completely messed up on this damned station. Had to wear a pseudoface and combat rig, of course. Serp guy was packing a bloody nanowire pistol. Don't really blam?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-005

"?ound another monitoring routine installed in the block's subnet. Sniffer and heuristics engine almost ignored it. Pretty sophisticated camo for general residence block monitoring but could be they don't want to piss off all the brass and tech-heads living in this dump. Don't think this indicates a problem with cell opsec. Standard CalNav paranoia I think. The navy factions are still tearing at one another over the invas ?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-006

"?erp contact came through with something interesting but it's got nothing to do with Firebird. Seems Upwell and PKN might be playing a double game behind the scenes when it comes to the Intaki. Hard to believe that old man Mordu would put up with something like that but word is he's got new obsessions these days. I believe anything of the Forest Faction and Upwell's so distributed and murky any number of the players could be up to something. Could be useful info down the lin?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-007

"?eems the monitoring routine wasn't CalNav after all. Sparks took a look at the data I'd sniffed off the thing and she reckons it's Archive K. That's all we need. Maybe the Autaris raid riled them up. Maybe they've got their hooks into Saraki already. Hell, maybe Saraki's their man. We need to be ca?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-008

"?he Peacock told me he'd requested another operation against the Autaris. I think it's a mistake. I told him as much but he laughed it off. I think he was drunk or high actually but you never know with him. I don't like that a merc like him is running this op but Rabbit made him the connect back to the nest. Sparks told me he pulled off a job against the Feds that the Black Eagles don't even know happened. Hard to bel?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-009

"?afterwards met the Peacock at the usual place. I don't know why he insists on using that bar. He'll get us all caught sooner or later. I passed on the latest news on Firebird. As usual he tried to get some data out of me there and then. Does he think I carry it around on me? I don't know what the Rabbit sees in him but I'm saddled with the guy as a handler. I'll just keep making a record of these security lapses so I don?"

Capsule Subsystem Holostorage EH-CN-J44-010

"?ime to lose. Distributing data to all redundancies. Activated Contingency Omelette. All cell members dispersing until the Eggfarm is secured. This went to hell sooner than I'd have liked but we got most of what we wanted. I won't be sorry to get out of this gods and spirits damned uniform at last. Let's hope the Rabbit is hap?"


