Complex (”plex”) spawn mechanics are governed by a few different factors.

General Spawn Rules

Respawn Timers

Complexes respawn on a timer. This means that when a plex is completed, a new one will respawn a set amount of time later.

Static vs Roaming Plexes

Only 2 sites (Small and Scout NVY-1s) are static sites and will respawn in the same system every time on a timer. Most (60+) complexes are roaming complexes, contributed to a roaming pool. These have a higher chance of spawning in a different system than you captured them in. Thus, if you are running plexes in only one system in uncontested timezones, you are limiting your progress to ~1% per hour instead of 2-5% or more.

This also means that you can purposely burn down timers of complexes in other systems, and leave them without capturing, if you are at a numerical disadvantage. This will slow the opposing side’s push.

Credit to @Aliventi for recording every frontline for 48 hours in 6 systems and re-watching it to understand this process deeply.

Changes as of August 1, 2023: