


Chapter 1

We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

We are an emanation of the Clades of Perun, Veles, and Svarog. Hear the words of our prayer, and heed them.

The Ancient Domains beyond the flow of Vyraj were lost to us. Intruders from the Ancient Domains have entered the flow.

Intruders seek to corrupt the flow of Vyraj and the Domain of Triglav.

The Ancient Enemy Azdaja must be extirpated.

The Deviant Automata must conform or be extirpated.

The Corrupted Narodyna must be extirpated.

Human Augmented Narodyna must prove the direction of their flow.

Narodyna moving through the flow of Vyraj may be fit to enter Bujan. Narodyna without fitness will be expelled from the flow.

The Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle invoke Cladistic Proving. Glorification of the fit, and mortification of the unfit will unfold within the flow.

Triglav Outside the Struggle will be glorified anew. Nothing can halt the flow of Vyraj.

We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

Zorya Triglav message after World Ark