The role of Mining Manager covers almost all aspects of the moon mining process. It is your responsibility to make sure all precautions are taken as well, while mining.
The following serves as the current schedule. You can plan accordingly.
In order to set the next chunk up, you will first need to take control of the structure. This role requires you to be on the Pew Bears ACL - Gunny. After taking control, you will see the structure display.
Click the Extraction Scheduling button. Use the slider to select the next time to fire the laser.
Then press the Start button.
Be sure to schedule an event on Discord.
When the time has elapsed on the extraction, all you have to do is take control again and fire the laser. Then you can start the scheduling over again for the next round.
Safety is not guaranteed in Eve, not even in HS space. Therefore, it is the role of the Mining Manager to make sure that the fleet remains as safe as possible, given the resources available.