Mission Running Guide

Missions are tasks offered by a non-player character(NPC) to a player which requires the player to accomplish a set of objectives in exchange for a set of rewards or loyalty points (LP) which can be exchanged for certain items. The NPC is called "the agent" and he or she describes the task and specifies the rewards for its completion.

There are 4 different kinds of agents, each with its own set of missions.

Under Basic Missions there are 3 types of missions. Encounters are mostly given by security agents, Mining given by mining agents, and Courier given by distribution agents.

Mission Levels

Mission levels go from 1 to 5. As your corporation and faction standing increases, you'll gain access to higher level missions. Each new level of mission generally require that you have better skills and access to bigger ships. Higher level missions also increase ISK and LP rewards. The level of a Mission Agent tells you the level of missions that the agent will offer. Each agent offers only one level of missions.