
priority list (red = high, yellow = mid, green = low)

Niarja Myelen (because the Niarja Myelen jams and neuts this make it a massive threat to logi that means it must be destroyed asap. it will allways be tagged first)

Sansha's Nation Commander (The Sansha's Nation Commander first, because the commander does a lot of damage (it also warp disrupts, warp disruptions is an issue only if the fleet/site is compromised in some way E.G. disconnect of critical roles like logi, or a gank occurs)).

Tama Cerebellum (The Tamas after the commander, as the commander is essentially just a stronger version)

Auga Hypophysis (The Auga warp disrupts, webs and does more damage and is easier to kill than the Romi.)

Schmaeel Medulla (The Schmaeel because it both warp disrupts and webs, with the web being a potential problem for speed-tanking logistics)