Joining our channel

If you are not currently in the MALRO Incursions in-game channel you will need to join it! In order to join a new channel, you must open up your channels menu. If it is not already on your neocom, you will find this by opening the Eve Settings Menu (Giant E above your character portrait) and then navigating the menus to Social and then Channels. Once the Menu has opened, simply type “MALRO Incursions” into the text box and click join.

fits and ship descriptions can be found here



CSPA is a mandatory isk charge to any pilot attempting to contact you, either by private conversations, mail, or fleet invites. This is an attempt by CCP to prevent spam to new players. By default, this is set to 0 Isk (it used to be 2,950 Isk), but we still need you to verify it is 0 Isk. Fleet Commanders will not invite you to fleet unless CSPA is 0 Isk in the mail settings.


An efficient form of communication that our Fleet Commanders use are tags, to show which targets to shoot. By default, this column on your overview is not visible. To add the column, open your overview settings and navigate to the columns tab. Check the Tag column and drag it towards the top.

the order in which we shoot is 1,2,3,A,B,C and is based of threat priority see vanguard guide for the priority list

Y is used when we are not ment to shoot at something if you see a Y tag don't shoot it

Furthermore, if you do not have an overview that is set up to see the Sansha and the incursion sites, it is highly suggested that you either ask for one in chat that is specifically designed for incursions or create one yourself in the overview settings: