Galactic Hour News Roundup: Conspiracies Everywhere Edition
Amarr Capsuleers Meeting with Thukker Renegades and Khanid Slaver
Criminal Conspiracy Alleged as Amarr Capsuleers meet with Thukker Renegades and Khanid Slaver
D85-VD, Syndicate - The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx has been passed imaging data that purports to show a meeting held earlier this week between a number of Amarr Empire-aligned capsuleers, an alleged Thukker renegade group and the notorious Khanid slaver Orlon Zashev. Apparently held on the Intaki Bank Vault station in the D85-VD system of Syndicate region, the meeting is alleged by the Galactic Hour's source to be evidence of "a criminal conspiracy by liberal capsuleers to overturn the order of Holy Amarr in conjunction with Thukker renegades and a wanted criminal."
The Scope 's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx has been able to authenticate the image despite some adjustments evidently intended to obscure the presence of one person in the system. Public routing data and locator agents on contract to the Galactic Hour's award-winning investigative team have confirmed that a number of the persons shown in the imaging data were present in the D85-VD system on or about YC121-05-14, the day it is claimed the meeting took place. The Scope's source has claimed that the parties present left separately despite this meeting potentially being related to a public auction of Orlon Zashev for bounty by the Seykal Expeditionary Group's Sesli Ashok.
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[AUCTION] Slaver for sale: Orlon Zashev