
[Paladin, Paladin] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Centii A-Type Multispectrum Coating Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer

Sensor Booster II Sensor Booster II Tracking Computer II Tracking Computer II

Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II Large Remote Armor Repairer II Large Remote Armor Repairer II Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Mega Pulse Laser II Mega Pulse Laser II Mega Pulse Laser II Mega Pulse Laser II

Large Energy Burst Aerator II Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Light Hull Maintenance Bot II x5 Hornet EC-300 x5 Acolyte II x5

Imperial Navy Multifrequency L x20 Imperial Navy Xray L x20 Optimal Range Script x2 Tracking Speed Script x2 Conflagration L x40 Scan Resolution Script x2 Scorch L x40 Nanite Repair Paste x2000


see bastion paladin for for alternative


EM Armor Compensation Explosive Armor Compensation Kinetic Armor Compensation Thermal Armor Compensation Hull Upgrades

Controlled Bursts Motion Prediction Rapid Firing Sharpshooter Gunnery Surgical Strike Gunnery Large Energy Turret Large Pulse Laser Specialization Marauders (V) required for bastion fit

Drones Drone Interfacing Drone Durability Drone Sharpshooting Sentry Drone Interfacing Heavy Drone Operation Acceleration Control IV Evasive Maneuvering IV

Navigation Warp Drive Operation Power Grid Management CPU Management Signature Analysis Target Management Advanced Target Management III Long Range Targeting Magnetometric Sensor Compensation Remote Armor Repair Systems V Capacitor Emission Systems V

Biology Cybernetics Neurotoxin Control Neurotoxin Recovery *Required for booster use


detailed strategy coming soon

If jammed, your capacitor transfer will stop; always check to reapply.

Your remote shield rep should be used to heal those taking damage (safety always green).

weapons should be split 2 and 2

Paladin Cap transfer with their partner. This needs to be established at the beginning of each site. Add your cap buddy to the top of your watchlist (the entire fleet should be on your watchlist) and ensure your safety is green. You can move your cap buddy to a different row/column in the locked targets to avoid confusing your buddy with the enemy.

more information on the sites we run can be found here

and a guide for newbros can be found here