What is Pochven?

Pochven is the domain of the Triglavian Collective. The 27 systems captured during the Triglavian Invasion, Pochven systems have been disconnected from their previous stargate and instead stitched into a triangle via Triglavian Conduits.

Pochven System Information - EDENCOM Defense Initiative




PvE -

Rogue Drones (Deviant Automata) - Swarm of small drones supporting larger drones including a “carrior” like Mothership. Damage is low unless the swarm is allowed to overwhelm. Smartbombs strongly encouraged. No warp disruption present.

Threat: Low

Incipient Drone Swarm

EDENCOM - Empire T1 and T2 working as fleets with tackle and logistic support. Killing EDENCOM looses standings with EDENCOM and gains standings with the Triglavian Collective. Sites are Amarr based.

Threat: Moderate to High

EDENCOM Scout Fleet

Observatory Flashpoint

Triglavian Collective - Full range of Triglavian ships including random EWAR and powerful missiles that do EM/Kin in contrast to the ramping Therm/Explo of their main weapons. Killing Triglavian ships looses stangins with the Triglavian Collective, and gains standings with EDENCOM.

Threat: Moderate to High

Convocation Watchpost

World Ark Assault Flashpoint

Stellar Fleet Deployment Site