Pochven is the domain of the Triglavian Collective. The 27 systems captured during the Triglavian Invasion, Pochven systems have been disconnected from their previous stargate and instead stitched into a triangle via Triglavian Conduits.
Pochven System Information - EDENCOM Defense Initiative
Rogue Drones (Deviant Automata) - Swarm of small drones supporting larger drones including a “carrior” like Mothership. Damage is low unless the swarm is allowed to overwhelm. Smartbombs strongly encouraged. No warp disruption present.
Threat: Low
EDENCOM - Empire T1 and T2 working as fleets with tackle and logistic support. Killing EDENCOM looses standings with EDENCOM and gains standings with the Triglavian Collective. Sites are Amarr based.
Threat: Moderate to High
Triglavian Collective - Full range of Triglavian ships including random EWAR and powerful missiles that do EM/Kin in contrast to the ramping Therm/Explo of their main weapons. Killing Triglavian ships looses stangins with the Triglavian Collective, and gains standings with EDENCOM.
Threat: Moderate to High