Galactic Hour News Roundup: Jubilation and Strife Edition

Triglavian Invasion Forces Strike at Multiple Amarr Regions; House Fleets Respond

Aridia, Genesis and Kor-Azor - While the Amarr authorities have prepared for the coronation anniversary, the Triglavian Invasion has continued to strike at various regions of the Empire. Invasion forces have been attacking Amarr systems in the regions of Aridia, Genesis and Kor-Azor, with multiples forces from the Imperial Navy, Royal Khanid Navy and fleets of Houses Kador and Kor-Azor responding.

Fresh from a successful defence of the Mishi system in Aridia, units of the Royal Khanid Navy have responded to the latest attack on the region by a Triglavian invasion group. Queen Zidarez Khanid herself has been escorted by her personal squadron to Amarr Prime in order to take part in the jubilee ceremonies. The Kador Family's fleets have been heavily involved with defence of Amarr holdings in the Genesis system, and were once again in action as an invasion force struck at the Genesis border between Amarr and Gallente space.

With a major Triglavian invasion force emerging in the Kor-Azor region, the ruling house's formidable fleet was naturally involved in operations to combat the invaders. The extensive domains of the Amarr Empire continue to be a major target for Triglavian invasion groups, with the new expansion of the Collective's war outwards into low-security space evidently leading to even more assaults against New Eden's largest empire.

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Galactic Hour News Roundup: Expansion and Construction Edition

Queen Zidarez Claims Kahah Pacification Successful, Criticizes "Foreign Exaggeration" of Casualties