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Galactic Hour News Roundup: Semiotic Shenanigans Edition

Krusual Tribe Celebrates Wildly as YC121 Matar Global Mind Clash Tournament is Won by the "Black Dragon"

Zirud Mikkela, the veteran Krusual Mind Clash player known as the "Black Dragon", has finally won the Matar Global Mind Clash Tournament after almost a decade at the top of the Minmatar Mind Clash tour. Mikkela's victory over three-times Matar Global Champion Effegod "Copper Snake" Xhoara led to wild scenes of jubilation in Krusual communities as their champion unseated the Brutor Clash Master. The Black Dragon will now gain an automatic place at the Mind Clash Worlds Championships to be held at the famed Grand Teigjon Casino at the end of this year's Clash season. For Mikkela, a Clash Master for ten years, the five-times Krusual Tribal Champion, and twice winner of the Matar Masters Series, his first win of the Global title that so long eluded him is surely the culmination of his career so far.