Svipul - EVE Online Reference

Eye of the Needle

Sine Wave: Alpha

Sine Wave: Omega

Abyssal Filaments Discovered in Rogue Drone Regions and Confirmed in Possession of Major Outlaw Groups

"While I wasn't permitted to accompany the commandos on their mission, despite my strong objections and citing the freedom of the interstellar press, I was able to view the video feeds as the intrepid warriors of the Vo-Lakat Special Tasks Group boarded that grim hulk! Their information warfare gear neutralized the drone infestation's command and control, and a good dose of cold, hard monomolecular buckshot was enough to take out the twitching remnants! On the command deck, we were all stunned as the commandos found a hoard of Abyssal Filaments in the depths of the hive!”