High Level Goals

Let’s say you’re a miner, out munching on some veldspar, omber, or other asteroid belt ore. When that ore is sold to Buyback, it is moved to a central collection area, transferred to a reprocessing facility, and reprocessed into minerals. Those minerals are then sold to CoE’s Industry Program and used to build ships, modules, ammo, and other items. These items are sold to INVTD and used to fit ships to be sold on contract for members or for Faction Warfare fleets. Any remaining items are sold at markets - particularly Dodixie, Heydieles, or Turnur - to generate revenue for the Industry Program and support the growth of those markets.

Or let’s say you’re a mission runner. You salvage wrecks and collect loot, then sell that to Buyback. Meta modules from that loot are sold to MALRO or INVTD and used to fit ships for contracts or fleets, and salvage is bought by the Industry Program to build rigs. Those rigs are then purchased and used by INVTD to push insurgencies for the Angels.

Or let’s say you’ve joined a moon mining fleet, because you’ve heard it’s good isk, even for newbros in ventures. That moon ore gets collected, transferred to a reprocessing facility, and reprocessed into minerals and moon materials (”moon goo”). The Industry Program buys some of the minerals, which are shipped to Zarzakh or other manufacturing locations, but some - tritanium, pyerite, and mexallon in particular - are sold on the market in Heydieles to support local industry operations. The moon goo is sold to CoE’s Reactions program, which uses it to make components for faction ships, such as the Federation Navy Comet or the Exequror Navy Issue. These ships are then sold for use in Faction Warfare content.