🧭 Mission

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e9c28b31-798f-4dc7-9091-b354ca22913c/Version13stroke.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e9c28b31-798f-4dc7-9091-b354ca22913c/Version13stroke.png" width="40px" /> The Convocation of Empyreans' mission is to maximize player engagement in EVE Online.


Organization Layout

EVE Online

We believe that EVE Online is one of the most unique, fascinating, and potentially important video games in modern gaming.

As a part of our modern culture, it allows players to build world-spanning societies, solve problems applicable to real life, and face real challenges in an environment where actions have consequences, risk is part of the terrain, and loss is painful but recoverable.

Not only is EVE the kind of game you can play for a decade without running out of things to explore, but is capable of helping people gain the skills to form successful international organizations in the real world.

⚖️ Values




Building Better Pilots




EVE is known for being both challenging and unforgiving. Sadly, many EVE organizations promote cultures of pursuing easy and safe solutions. The reason for this seems to be twofold. Firstly large null blocs are encouraged to maximize their numbers, and thus are incentivized to create solutions that cater to the lowest common denominator. Secondly, EVE is both complex and opaque and while there are great resources for learning EVE, without a good group or direction pointing to them many will simply be lost and those who pursue mastery will move on to other challenges.

We believe this is a great failure and seek to build a better EVE Online organization, one committed to maximizing our members opportunities as well as reshaping the EVE player base by providing the tools, information, and guidance to the EVE community. We promote an attitude of cooperation and sharing of knowledge. We understand that as an organization our strength as a collective comes from each of our strengths as individuals.

Building Better Systems

The sandbox of EVE offers opportunity unparalleled in gaming space, but “with great power comes great responsibility.” If we wish to play a truly sandbox style game, we must be ready to do our part in the process and “build our castles” as it were. We believe the biggest barrier to access in EVE is understanding and confidence, far more than ISK or SP.

We are committed to taking the time and effort to build the systems required to get the most out of the EVE Universes’ sandbox, whether that be in game, 3rd party tools, training videos and other materials, or beyond.

Setting the Example

EVE is what we make of it, and thus we choose to have the Convocation be a positive force in New Eden by choice. We follow a "Don't be a dick" rule in highsec, restricting us from suicide ganking and disrupting other players mission sites. That said, we also feel that the "bad behavior" of EVE is still a necessary component of the ecosystem and do not shy away from hostilities both by members and with partnered organizations.