
What are Pochven Standing Fleets?

Pochven Standing Fleets are Fleets going into the Pochven systems with the intent to run the PvE sites and kill roaming Drifters and Rogue Drones.


Low ISK payout. Primary reward is positive standings with both EDENCOM and Triglavian Collective making travel in Minor Victories and Fortresses in High and Low Security space far safer. Minor Victories and Fortresses provide buff within that system which in EDENCOMs case will boost mining within the system.

Gaining 3.0 with the Triglavian Collective or EDENCOM will make them friendly to you and they will defend you against aggression and even repair your ship.

While payout is split between all participents, standings are the same for everyone regardless of fleet size. This means we can bring as large of a group as is capable.

Fleet Composition

For now our fleets will be focused around Armor tank w/logistics when possible. Regardless of target, scout ship(s) are essential for moving throughout Pochven. There are Rogue Drone hacking sites that the Scout can do while they wait for you do to your site.

General Ships

Scout ships -

Rogue Drone Sites Strike Fleet -